Dva kraja / Two Places
Otvoritev razstave, sreda, 11. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Kulturni dom Kamnik / Kamnik Cultural Centre
Foto / Photo: Jasna Jernejšek
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Kulturni dom Kamnik / Kamnik Cultural Centre
Foto / Photo: Jasna Jernejšek
Video-performans Zufall / Video-performance Zufall
V sklopu razstave Spregled (VIST) /
In frames of the Outlook exhibition (VIST)
torek, 10. junij 2014 / Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Galeirja Zorye, Tovarna Rog, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
In frames of the Outlook exhibition (VIST)
torek, 10. junij 2014 / Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Galeirja Zorye, Tovarna Rog, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Patricija Stepanović: Interzone
Otvoritev razstave, torek, 10. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Galerija Alkatraz / Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Galerija Alkatraz / Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Podelitev nagrad / Award giving ceremony
Podelitev nagrad za Portfolio Review & Večerne projekcije /
Award giving ceremony Portfolio Review & Evening Projections
7. junij 2014 / 7 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Award giving ceremony Portfolio Review & Evening Projections
7. junij 2014 / 7 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Video in Progress 5: Odsevi preteklosti / Reflections of the Past
Pogovor z Anjo Medved & projekcije; Rene Rusjan: predstavitev VŠU UNG & projekcije /
Talk with Anja Medved & screening; Rene Rusjan: presentation of the School of School of Arts & screening
7. junij 2014 / 7 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Talk with Anja Medved & screening; Rene Rusjan: presentation of the School of School of Arts & screening
7. junij 2014 / 7 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Sporno / Controversial
Otvoritev razstave, petek, 6. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
ALUO / Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
ALUO / Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Home » Photo Gallery » 2014 » Tuula Alajoki: Avtorske prakse finske sodobne fotografije / Finnish Contemporary Photography
Tuula Alajoki: Avtorske prakse finske sodobne fotografije / Finnish Contemporary Photography
Večerne projekcije / Evening Projections
6. junij 2014 / 6 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
6. junij 2014 / 6 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Zdzisław Pacholski: Rekviziti atributi / Requisites Attributes
Otvoritev razstave, petek, 6. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
ZVKDS, SVC-Galerija, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
ZVKDS, SVC-Galerija, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Vangelis Georgas & Fernanda Prado
Pogovor z avtorjem, petek, 6. junij 2014 /
Artist talk, Friday, 6 June 2014
Atrij ZRC & LP bar / Atrij ZRC & LP bar, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Artist talk, Friday, 6 June 2014
Atrij ZRC & LP bar / Atrij ZRC & LP bar, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Vangelis Georgas: Solze in parade / Tears and Parades
Otvoritev razstave, petek, 6. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
Atelje-galerija Mikado / Studio-gallery Mikado, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Opening of the exhibition, Friday, 6 June 2014
Atelje-galerija Mikado / Studio-gallery Mikado, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotler
Video in Progress 5: Odsevi preteklosti / Reflections of the Past
Otvoritev, četrtek, 5. junij 2014 /
Opening, Thursday, 5 June 2014
CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Opening, Thursday, 5 June 2014
CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Fotomorgana 3
Otvoritev razstave, četrtek, 5. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 5 June 2014
CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 5 June 2014
CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Otvoritev razstave, četrtek, 5. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 5 June 2014
MGLC, Mednarodni grafični likovni center / International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 5 June 2014
MGLC, Mednarodni grafični likovni center / International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Spregled / Outlook
Otvoritev razstave, sreda, 4. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Galeirja Zorye, Tovarna Rog, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Galeirja Zorye, Tovarna Rog, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Matjaž Rušt: #ljubljana
Otvoritev razstave, sreda, 4. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Bikofe, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition, Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Bikofe, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Home » Photo Gallery » 2014 » Večerne projekcije / Evening Projections » Večerne projekcije / Evening Projections

PHIL – Photon Image Library
Predstavitev, torek, 3. junij 2014 /
Presentation, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Presentation, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Dik Bouwhuis: Turistične krajine / Tourist Landscapes
Otvoritev razstave, torek, 3. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Katja Goljat & Andrej Firm: Žive stene / Living Walls
Otvoritev razstave, torek, 3. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Galerija Prostor / Prostor Gallery, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Galerija Prostor / Prostor Gallery, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Otvoritev razstave, torek, 3. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Galerija Društva likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana / Gallery of Ljubljana Fine Artists Society
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Opening of the exhibition, Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Galerija Društva likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana / Gallery of Ljubljana Fine Artists Society
Foto / Photo: Brina Sotlar
Jaka Repanšek: Prepovedano v fotografiji / Prohibited in Photography
Predavanje, ponedeljek, 2. junij 2014 /
Lecture, Monday, 2 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Lecture, Monday, 2 June 2014
Atrij ZRC / ZRC Atrium, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Darije Petković: Duhovi preteklosti / Ghosts of the Past
Otvoritev razstave, ponedeljek, 2. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Monday, 2 June 2014
Desni atrij, Magistrat / Atrium at the City Hall, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Opening of the exhibition, Monday, 2 June 2014
Desni atrij, Magistrat / Atrium at the City Hall, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Dušan Šarotar: Duše / Souls
Otvoritev razstave, ponedeljek, 2. junij 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Monday, 2 June 2014
Trubarjeva hiša literature / Trubar Literature House, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Opening of the exhibition, Monday, 2 June 2014
Trubarjeva hiša literature / Trubar Literature House, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Mihaela Majerhold
Sinergija Sarajeva / Synergy of Sarajevo
Otvoritev razstave in festivala Fotonični trenutki 2014, petek, 30. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Kavarna SEM / SEM Cafe, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Kavarna SEM / SEM Cafe, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Zipped Worlds
Otvoritev razstave in festivala Fotonični trenutki 2014, petek, 30. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Kult 3000, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Kult 3000, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Zgodba o Balkanu / A Balkan Tale
Otvoritev razstave in festivala Fotonični trenutki 2014, petek, 30. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Slovenski etnografski muzej / Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Slovenski etnografski muzej / Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
G.R.A.M.: Reenactmedia
Otvoritev razstave in festivala Fotonični trenutki 2014, petek, 30. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Opening of the exhibition and the festival Photonic Moments 2014, Friday, 30 May 2014
Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Ana Marija Kolenc
Home » Photo Gallery » 2014 » Nina Đurđević: Prostor vmes & Objektivna / The Space Between & Objective
Nina Đurđević: Prostor vmes & Objektivna / The Space Between & Objective
Otvoritev razstave, četrtek, 29. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 29 May 2014
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 29 May 2014
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Bojan Salaj: Interierji – korespondence / Interiors-Correspondences
Otvoritev razstave, četrtek, 29. 5. 2014 /
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 29 May 2014
Narodna galerija / National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner
Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, 29 May 2014
Narodna galerija / National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana
Foto / Photo: Cherie Plausteiner