Portfolio review 2014

Photonic Moments' portfolio review (2012)
Photonic Moments’ portfolio review (2012)


Festival Fotonični trenutki najavlja natečaj za Portfolio Review 2014, ki se bo odvijal v Ljubljani (Galerija Jakopič) 6. in 7. junija!

Natečaj je zaključen!

V dveh intenzivnih dnevih bo vaše delo vrednotilo dvanajst mednarodno uveljavljenih kustosov, predstavnikov festivalov, urednikov, galeristov, založnikov in teoretikov na 20-minutnih pogovorih »iz oči v oči«.

Žirija bo izmed vseh poslanih del izbrala 40 portfeljev, med katerimi bo 7. junija določila zmagovalca.

Zmagovalec bo dobil priložnost, da svoja dela predstavi na samostojni razstavi v okviru festivala Fotonični trenutki 2016 + sponzorstvo v storitvah do 1.000 €, ki ga podarja Studio Okvir!

Nagrada za prve tri – prvo, drugo in tretjeuvrščeni – je skupinska razstava v okviru projekta VASA, internetne platforme, ki na globalni ravni združuje posameznike in skupnosti, ki se ukvarjajo z medijskimi študijami, fotografijo in digitalnimi mediji: https://vasa-project.com/

Tretja nagrada sta dve nočitvi (za dve osebi) v Hotelu Park, Ljubljana.

Festival Fotonični trenutki, ki ga organizira Photon – Center za sodobno fotografijo – je član mreže Evropski mesec fotografije.

Prijave zbiramo do vključno 19. maja 2014 na elektronski naslov:



Prvi korak – prijava
Vsak profesionalni fotograf/umetnik s kateregakoli konca zemeljske oble lahko pošlje svoje delo, vendar mora biti pripravljen, da pripotuje v Ljubljano (Slovenija), če je izbran v drugi krog – portfolio review s skupino strokovnjakov na srečanjih iz oči v oči, ki bodo organizirana 6. in 7. junija 2014.

Natečaj je odprt za vse teme in sloge, vendar pa žirija pričakuje serije fotografij in fotozgodbe (ne posameznih fotografij).

Kandidat mora skupaj poslati od 6 do 12 fotografij, če je le mogoče iz dveh različnih serij/fotozgodb.
Format fotografij: 1200 px na daljši strani. Samo RGB, JPG.
Ime datotek: Ime_PRIIMEK_Naslov-serije_01.jpg. Naslednje fotografije oštevilčite z zaporednimi številkami na koncu datoteke.
Prijava mora vsebovati: CV/življenjepis z največ 160 besedami + kratko besedilo o seriji/fotozgodbi z največ 200 besedami.
Rok za oddajo: 19. maj 2014, 23:59 GMT + 1 h.

Pomembno: slike je treba poslati na spodnji e-naslov:

Prosimo, vložite vse slike v eno samo mapo in potem mapo stisnite in opremite z Imenom_Priimkom.

Žirija bo izmed poslanih del izbrala 40 portfeljev, ki jih bo ocenila. Rezultati bodo objavljeni na spletni strani festivala, do 23. maja 2014 pa jih bo po e-pošti prejelo tudi 40 izbranih fotografov.

Drugi korak – ocenjevanje portfeljev (portfolio reviews)
Ocenjevanja portfeljev so odlična priložnost za predstavitev dela vplivnim članom mednarodne fotografske skupnosti. To je pomemben trenutek za kritično diskusijo o projektu v individualnem – iz oči v oči – srečanju s strokovnjaki. Fotografi prejmejo kritične pripombe in napotke v zvezi z svojimi portfelji, kar predstavlja neprecenljiv feedback za njihov nadaljnji razvoj in širitev profesionalne mreže.

Za sodelovanje v drugem krogu mora 40 izbranih fotografov/umetnikov do 31. maja plačati znesek v višini 40 eur na spodnji bančni račun:

Photon d.o.o., Ob Ljubljanici 18B, Ljubljana, Slovenija
IBAN SI56 0234 1001 1430 911 (NLB d.d., Trg republike 3, Ljubljana)
(plačilo bo kmalu mogoče tudi s PayPalom).

*Če plačilo ni poravnano do roka (brez predhodnega obvestila ali dogovora), ima organizator festivala pravico, da prijavo prekliče in udeleženca/udeleženko nadomesti z drugim prijavljenim fotografom/umetnikom.

Izbrane fotografe/umetnike prosimo, da pošljejo kopijo potrdila o plačilu na naš e-naslov:

Izbranim fotografom/umetnikom bo festival Fotonični trenutki – Mesec fotografije ponudil priložnost, da se individualno srečajo z vsaj petimi ocenjevalci (reviewers). Če se želite srečati z določenim ocenjevalcem, nam to prosimo sporočite ob prijavi.

Portfolio Review bo potekal 6. in 7. junija 2014 v Galeriji Jakopič v Ljubljani, kjer bo na ogled tudi razstava Josef Koudelka: Vestiges 1991-2012.

Stroške za potovanje in nočitve v Ljubljani krijejo fotografi sami.


Tuula Alajoki, director of Backlight Festival, Finland. She is culture field worker, now mainly concentrating on photography, curating and art management. She has been involved in Tampere based Photographic Centre Nykyaikas´ actions since her graduation as visual artist (fine and media art) in 2001. Backlight Photo Festival has employed her in various positions since 2008. In 2011 she completed her masters degree in Art – Visual culture in Taik/Aalto University. The following year she was assigned to be the project manager and curator for Backlight Photo Festival. She has curated both Finnish and international exhibitions and she works actively to develop art and artists exchanges internationally. She works intentionally between genders and different art institutions, artists groups and individual artists.

Giuliana Carbi Jesurun, director of Trieste Contemporanea, Italy. She is art historian and curator based in Trieste. She holds a Ph.D. in history of art. She was professor of history of contemporary art at the University of Trieste up to 1991. She is running the Studio Tommaseo of Trieste since 1981 and is the founder (1995) and president in charge of the Trieste Contemporanea Committee. Since 2003 she has being co-ordinating the CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators and the activities of the Continental Breakfast network.

Susanne Gamauf, head of Fotogalerie Wien, Austria. She has had numerous international solo and group exhibitions; postgraduate grants from the BMUKK (Ministry of Arts) for Paris, Rome and New York. She has a rich and long history of curating and administrating exhibitions for the Fotogalerie Wien, and other major exhibitions in Austria. She received her arts degree from the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Oswald Oberhuber – graphics, photography).

Damir Globočnik, curator at photo-department of Gorenjski muzej, Slovenia.

Želimir Koščević, curator and director of Foto-galerija Lang Samobor, Croatia. He is a freelance curator and expert in national and international contemporary art and photography. From 2002, he is program adviser of Foto galerija Lang in Samobor. President of Yugoslav national chapter of AICA (1989-1991), president of ICOM Croatia (1996-2002) and member of ICOM/CIMAM Executive Board (1998-2004). Member of AICA international, ICOM, CIMAM and IKT. He published nine books on Contemporary Art and Photography, and more then 600 published articles, monographs, essays, exhibition catalogues published in his homeland and abroad (Austria, Germany, Denmark, U.S. Hungary, Mexico, U.K., Czech Republic, Holland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, Sweden, Slovenia). Lives & works in Samobor/Zagreb.

Peter Koštrun, professor at Academy of Fine Arts Ljubljana, Slovenia. He is a professor of photography at the Academy of fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. For the last 7 years, he has been working on exploration of education in order to expand opportunities for the younger generations. His teaching is based on mistakes and understanding that Art is not an object but experience. He started his career in documentary photography, continued his exploration in all fields especially portrait, fashion, editorial and advertising. The academic education gives him the opportunity to explore the boundaries of the medium, influenced by classical Painting, Sculpture and Design. After obtaining his diploma, he refuses to work in advertising and starts to concentrate on individual projects connected to his love for nature. From 2003, his works were presented in more then 60 group and solo exhibitions home and abroad.

Thomas Licek, director of Eyes-On – Month of Photography festival Vienna, Austria. He is managing Director of Eyes On – Month of Photography Vienna. Working as an Art Manager since 1991 he is organizing this event since its beginning in 2004. Eyes On is held every two years in November and promotes exhibitions in museums, galleries, and art spaces across the city. In 2010 more than 200 photo exhibitions have been on view at over a 150 venues, accompanied by an extensive program of events. Eyes On is part of the European Month of Photography, which aims to boost the international photography scene. Thomas Licek is interested in seeing contemporary work made by young or emerging photographers.

Roberto Muffoletto, chief editor of VASA Project, USA. He is founder and director of VASA, an online center for photographic and media studies. He has earned a MFA in Photographic Studies and a Ph.D. in Education. Hi is past founder/director of CEPA Gallery (USA), and past editor for Camera Lucida and Frame|Work. His work is exhibited and collected internationally. Roberto’s most recent books include “Berlin Diary” and “Threshold Crossing”.

Fernanda Prado, independent curator and photographer, Slovenia/Brazil. She is independent curator, photo editor, journalist and photographer. From São Paulo, Brazil, she concluded a Master Degree in Photography and worked with photo edition at Valor Economico for many years – the most important Brazilian financial newspaper. Based in Slovenia since 2011, she develops researches on image, photo documentations and articles on photography. She has been exhibiting her work in Brazil and Slovenia and has got the First Award on Reportage on the Slovene EMZIN Fotografia Leta 2014. She has been the coordinator of Photonic Moments Portfolio Review since 2012.

Iva Prosoli, curator at Zagreb City Museum, Croatia. She graduated Art History and German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where she is currently enrolled in a postgraduate study of art history. From 2003 to 2006 she worked in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb, afterwards, for a year in the Tošo Dabac Archive, Museum of Contemporary Art as a curator. Since 2008 she works in the Zagreb City Museum as curator and the Head of Collection of Zagreb photo reporters and as a teaching assistant in the course History of Photography at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. Since 2010 she heads and teaches a course entitled: Photography and artistic practice from the 1960s to today on the graduate level for photography at the same faculty. She has authored a number of texts and exhibitions in the field of photography.

Gabriella Uhl, curator in chief of Month of Photography in Budapest, Hungary. She graduated first History and Literature (MA) at the Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest, writing her PhD thesis about the Central-European baroque literature. She studied economic at the Corvinus (Economical and Technical) University and graduated Art history (MA) at Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest. She worked as a researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Science afterwards as a chief curator of the Ernst Museum, part of the Art Hall Budapest. She spent four years in Baltic States working as a correspondent of the leading Hungarian art magazines and doing her research on the contemporary Baltic art. She was the curator of the Hungarian Pavilion at Venice Biennale in 2013. She is the chief curator of the Month of Photography festival in Budapest. As a researcher she specialized on the marginal and gypsy art. She is the author of many publications on the contemporary Hungarian and Central-European art scene.

Filip Vančo, curator and director of Photoport Bratislava, Slovakia. He is a photographer, curator, teacher and gallerist. He completed his Master’s studies at the Department of Visual Media of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava where from 2004 to 2009 he was the head of the legendary Photography Studio. In 1996, he founded the journal PARK (1996 – 2002) and served as its editor in chief. He has been a member of the Photoport civic association and the chief curator of the gallery with the same name since 2006. As curator, he has prepared dozens of photography exhibitions and presentations at home and abroad. He writes about photography, curatorial activities and his own research topics.

Ocenjevanja portfeljev (portfolio review) so odlična priložnost, da svoje delo pokažete vplivnim članom mednarodne fotografske skupnosti. To je pomemben trenutek za kritično razpravo o avtorjevem opusu. Fotografi prejmejo kritične pripombe in napotke v zvezi z svojimi portfelji, kar predstavlja neprecenljiv feedback za njihov nadaljnji razvoj in širitev profesionalne mreže.

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